Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Homeschool Memoirs Chores!!!

Oh how often we either say it or hear it … “Too much to do, not enough time!”? I hear it and say it quite often. How do you manage all the tasks you have to complete in just 24hours? There are a lot of different methods on how to get chores and organizing done. Some have a strict schedule others just kinda wing it.
This week I would you to share how chores are done in your home. How you order your day with school and getting housework done. How do you decide which chores should be done by which child, of which age? I’m looking forward to hearing them!
Chores HA!!!! Well once upon a time I was a firm believer that I should do it all well after 4 that changed! I need help in this area big time. They know what they are suppose to do I guess it is my following through that needs to be stricter. As of right now when I need something done I seem to rangle the closest kid or the one who won't whine much. I need a schedule, I need organization and obedience school too!!


KarenW said...

Rangling the closest kid! Your plan is a lot like mine.

tammy said...

I'm not sure how old your children are, but I do know having 4 can keep you busy. Playing games was a good way for me to get the boys started on chores back when they were little. That and seriously looking at the excess we had and deciding what we really needed/loved vs. what we thought we wanted or had to keep. When I pared it down it became easier to manage! :) Good luck finding your balance.