Saturday, September 13, 2008

So, here goes the update

On September 2 my daughter Devlin started Hoosier Academy. I was suppose to leave it at that and continue to homeschool Damian, Fox and Skyler Bay. Well until little Fox came out with the. "please mommy I wanna go to school too". Well being the open minded parent I am I spent three days on the phone talking to anyone who would help me enroll the little guy. So it was finally set that Fox would go YAY!!!!!!!! Well Damian decided he wanted to go to the cool school too. Lot's more days on the phone, leaving messages, waiting for call backs and running to three different stores to get his school supplies. Damian went to school finally on Sept. 11. What a day to start, well ecleast some good would come of that day. Thursday morning was spent packing up a desk that a little boy would no longer need. Shelving my beloved WinterPromise American Story 1 program to hopefully open one day for Skyler Bay. Well it goes down from here. At lunch time the dredded phone call, Damian is having a bad day after school is out for today can we do a meeting? Well with a child of Autism I am quite aware meetings will be needed. I went through all of that, hearing about case conferences, special ed teachers etc. etc. Well we came home eager to set up everything in place for the little boy who out of the clear wanted to go to school. On Friday morning I woke up to check the online school schedule for the day. It was very shocking that Damian had assignments considering he has no school books. I talked to one of his teachers as well as the school assistant. "Do the best that you can online until you recieve his materials it will all be O.K." Well Friday evening I was surprised to see Damians name was no longer on my account. Must be a computer problem I thought. This morning I wake up to an email stating that they are requesting I return Damians materials as he is a dropped student. At this point I am in shock. Noone talked with me, no conference with a special ed teacher has happened. He is just dropped!!!!!! No, I don't think this is legal. He cannot be denied access to a public school, I know that much. I am done with the Hoosier Academy. Devlin and Fox are thriving in there envoronment and do not deserve to let my injured pride harm them. They can stay. Damian is coming back to Homeschool starting this Monday. I am hurt, I am disgusted, mostly I am saddend that a little boy who has problems is looked upon like a burden. I really have nothing else to say except, public school disgusts me, society sickens me and this world is doomed all way around. I love my son, he is a great kid and someday when they face God he will question why they turned one of his special gifts away????? Until then how do I explain to him that he can't go to school and make a friend he so much wants????

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