Friday, October 31, 2008

Tuesday 28 October

Damian has had a great day. He did math and did very well. He did language arts, spelling, reading and read in The Birchbark House. Well I read he listened. He also made a little Indian friend from the website making friends paperdolls. He started the Simply Science, Atoms book for science, and he does not like writing definitions. He does ecleast ask questions about the pictures or what I read though, so that’s good. All in all he did great!!
Fox and Devlin are of course at the learning center today. I was a bit distressed yesterday to see Devlin was expected to read 7 chapters of 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. I thought that was a bit much. Fox is whizzing through the math so I am OK with the school so far. Skyler did not do school till 6 tonight but better late than never!! We made our 6 for the sixth day of creation, and read a bible story. Colored a creation coloring page, made letters read a bunch of books, and then did a Halloween puzzle. It was a great night.

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