Sunday, August 23, 2009

Continent Boxes and my Asia box

Continent boxes are really cool. Continent Boxes are sort of like treasure boxes- one for each continent- which contain maps, books, and artifacts from the countries on that continent. I have made an Asia box and I think it turned out pretty cool. There are images of Asia on the top and all over the sides I placed flags of the countries in Asia.
I love the Come Look With Me Art Books so when I saw the Asian Art I had to add that too. Of course you cannoy dare talk about Asia without chopsticks!

The map of Asia and the picture packs are of course about Asia. The packs contain famous landmarks, animals and plants.

These are books one for Japan and one for the Asia continent I found.

Of course my wonderful cool china learning pack is included that I purchased here. There are more pictures of mine here. I would love to buy a learning pack like this from every continent I think they are great. I have yet to make the other continents but this is a great start.