Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Homeschool Memoirs

For this week, since I’m quite curious, post about what you did for New Year’s and what your traditions are each year. Have fun!
Our traditions, we don't really have any. When I was very little I remember watching the ball drop with my grandmother. As a teen I was the baby sitter by the time I was an adult I was a mommy. So I guess in my opinion it is kinda like a party holiday and I just have never celebrated it much. I do miss the ball drop with my grandma though so maybe I will catch that next year?


Brenda @ Tie That Binds Us said...

We picked up a new tradition this year to get out your past years calendar and write down with your family fun stories and things that you were blessed with being able to do in a notebook. Keep adding to it each year and it makes a nice memory book.

Anonymous said...

We don't do anything either. Shoot, we don't even stay up until midnight.