Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Giant Rabbits OH MY!!!!

We have a rabbit Wiggles as Skyler has named him. He is really not that hard to clean up after. Well we went to the Indianapolis zoo. These rabbits scare me!!!!! Here's some info on these big babies
Flemish Giant are the largest of all the living rabbits. Flemishes usually grow up to about 15 lbs but it isn?t unusual to see 20 lbs flemishes. They mature around 9 months. Even though they are very large animals they are not wild at all they actually very docile and they aren?t hard to handle at all. That is why they have earned the name "Gentle Giant" These rabbits make wonderful pets, they are strong enough for small children to play with and they are also very gentle, both of which is a must with small kids. Like most rabbits the Flemish can be litter trained just like cats can. Bucks that are mature rarely ever spray. They also have an unbelievable tolerance for the cold, if you don?t want to keep them indoors. The only thing you have to watch out for is the heat. Flemishes don't do very well in any heat over 90. If they are outside in the heat you can fill up a water bottle with water and freeze it over night then give it to the rabbit to sit near during the day so it will keep him cool.

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